We are very proud of the variety of methods we use to keep you updated on the market and the latest trends.

Whether you are buying, selling, investing or looking into pre-construction opportunities, we keep you informed.

Home Magazine

Our Home Magazine covers real estate market news, real estate process and system improvements we have made, our safeguards moving forward, lifestyle articles, recipes and more.

Urban Living Magazine

Our Urban Living Magazine does not just apply to those living in a city but rather those living in an urban environment with an urban lifestyle. This can include anyone living a lifestyle more contemporary in nature such as in a city or in the surrounding areas. Lifestyle articles, market updates, condo & condo developments and new builds are are also showcased.

Real Estate Market Watch Newsletters

Our Market Watch Newsletters provide information on real estate trends, stats, local and regional information and so much more.

Videos, Podcasts & Blogs

We have produced a library of videos, podcasts and blogs to keep you update on many topics related to real estate, lifestyle changes, trends, and more.

Specialized Websites

We have over the years developed many customized websites to keep our clients informed. As times and needs change and technology advances, we have replaced some with newer versions.

Our latest website is for Condos & New Construction. It provides you with VIP access to the latest new construction projects for detached homes, town homes and condo complexes. We also include information about assignment sales.

In summary we are always developing, improving and expanding our communication offerings for our clients. Our 30+ years in communications and social media marketing help us keep you informed, market your property and be competitive in an ever changing business.